Zions Top Academy uses Apply web for the processing of prospects applications. Proceed to the link below to create an Apply web account and submit. Required details include: Student’s Full Name, Current School, Year Group (KS2 – KS5), Subjects the student wishes to enroll in, Preferred class schedule and availability.
Parents indicate the student’s current year and Key Stage: KS2 (Year 1 – Year 6), KS3 (Year 7 – Year 9), KS4 (Year 10 – Year 11, GCSE preparation), Sixth Form (Year 12 – Year 13, A-Level preparation).
Students can enroll in any of the following subjects:
â–ª Core Subjects: Mathematics, English, Combined Science, Single Science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computing, Religious Studies
â–ª Additional Classes: Bible Studies, Quran Studies, Yoruba Language
Students preparing for GCSE exams (Year 10 & Year 11) must indicate their exam board: AQA, Edexcel, OCR, Eduqas, Other (if applicable). Parents select the students’ available time slots for lessons.
Class Schedule:
▪ Monday – Friday: 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM (UK Time)
▪ Saturday: 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM (UK Time)
▪ Sunday: 1:00 PM – 8:00 PM (UK Time)
Parents/guardians must provide accurate contact details, including:
â–ª Phone Number
â–ª Email Address
Once the enrollment form is reviewed, parents will receive a confirmation email with:
▪ The student’s timetable
â–ª Google Classroom links for classes
â–ª Additional instructions for smooth onboarding
â–ª Join the WhatsApp group created for the student
To ensure a smooth learning experience, students must have: